Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Best Nutrition And Exercise For A Healthy Lifestyle



Nutrition and exercise go hand in hand when it comes to optimizing your health and wellness. It helps you get the required nutrients and calories to fuel your day-to-day activities. When choosing foods to support your exercise program, a well-balanced diet goes a long way to guarantee optimal health in the long run. The quality of your diet is more important than the number of calories you consume. It isn’t as simple as choosing fruits over doughnuts. Consuming the right type of foods at the right intervals throughout the day plays a big part in this regard. Here is how to balance your nutrition with exercise.

A Good Nutrition And Exercise Starts With A Good Breakfast!

A healthy breakfast is important to start your day with the right mind and body setup. An article in the “Harvard Health Letter” states that a healthy breakfast can reduce one’s risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. A healthy breakfast plays a vital role in food charts designed by qualified nutritionists. It’s even more important when exercise is on your agenda. You may feel lethargic and lack vital energy when working out without having a well-balanced and healthy breakfast. It will replenish your energy reserves needed to fuel your muscles during the workout. Too many people rely on simple carbs to start their day. This isn’t the best way to start your day, especially when you have an exercise program during the day.

A protein or fiber-rich breakfast is crucial to providing the required energy to fuel your exercise plan and keep you feeling fuller for a long time. It will reduce your risk of obesity while helping to maintain your ideal weight. Here are some tips to consider when preparing a healthy and nutritious breakfast to start your day:

. Include complex carbs in your breakfast instead of simple carbs. Oatmeal, oat bran, and whole-grain cereals are high in fiber. You may add some protein to the breakfast by including chopped nuts, eggs, yogurt, and milk to your breakfast.

. Use whole-grain bread to prepare your favorite toasts. Add eggs, peanut butter, or any other protein source to improve the nutrient quality of the breakfast.

Why You Need To Pack Protein Into Your Snacks And Meals?

Protein plays an essential part in the growth, repair, and maintenance of your body cells. Protein helps build and repair muscles in your body. This is important to give you the maximum benefits of your exercise program. Protein becomes the automatic source of energy when your body is short of carbs. A healthy adult requires at least 0.36g of protein per day per pound of body weight. It would be best if you consume more proteins when you are exercising to stay fit and healthy. Some of the main protein food sources include poultry, red meat, fish, legumes, dairy, and eggs. Ensure you consume lean proteins low in trans and saturated fats. Eliminate processed meats from your diet to stay healthy and fit throughout the day.

Why Healthy Fat Is Important?

Unsaturated fats provide the required calories for your workout program. It also helps reduce inflammation in the process. Healthy unsaturated fats provide calories and essential fatty acids to keep your moving during the day. Some sources of healthy unsaturated fats include nuts, avocados, seeds, olive oil, and olives.

Is It Good To Cut Too Many Calories?

Many people make the mistake of cutting too many calories from their diet plan when trying to lose weight and stay healthy. You shouldn’t go too far when cutting calories from your meal to lose weight. A proper weight loss diet won’t leave you feeling exhausted after a couple of days. If you feel exhausted while working out, these are signs of not getting enough calories to fuel your energy needs. The average male on a weight loss diet should consume between 1,500 to 1,800 calories per day. Women on a weight loss diet should consume between 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day. That’s where you need to work with a qualified Athletes Nutritionist In Long Beach.

Why Balance Is Key When Devising The Right Nutrition And Workout Plan For You?

When you are involved in daily activities and exercise, you should know what foods give you energy and what foods deplete your energy levels. You should listen to your body carefully to find the right combination of foods and workout regimen that keeps you healthy and fit. The right balance of vital nutrients can help fuel your workout program and keep you healthy and fit for the rest of your life.

Do you want to optimize your health and wellness? If so, you have come to the right place. The right diet plan and workout regimen are essential to maintain your required fitness levels. The aforementioned article provides information on how to balance your nutrition with exercise.

The post Best Nutrition And Exercise For A Healthy Lifestyle appeared first on Dr Turner's Nutrition.


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