Sunday, November 24, 2019

What Is Holistic Nutrition And Can It Help Me?

Holistic Nutrition

What is holistic nutrition and medicine? When most of us think of modern medicine or nutrition we picture pharmacies, surgeons, and medications with confusing names. Taking a holistic approach to medicine means you look at the big picture of the patient. This requires considering all of the emotional, psychological, and spiritual stimuli that could affect that person as well as their health.

What About Holistic Nutrition?

You can think of holistic nutrition as a sort of sub-category of holistic medicine or healthcare. If focuses primarily on a person’s diet and nutrition intake. However, because it is a holistic approach, additional factors must be considered to get the “big picture”. Many things in our lives can affect our nutrition or impact the quantity of nutrition we need. And there are also many aspects of our lives that can be improved with the right nutrition.

How Is It Any Different From Normal Nutrition?

The normal chain of events works like this in an ideal world:

1. A person decides they want to lose weight.

2. They find a diet or nutrition plan that helps them meet their goal.

3. They follow the diet and workouts, lose the weight, and then stop thinking about nutrition.

Following a diet and losing weight is always something that should be commended. Unfortunately, a lot of people have a serious problem with completing the third step. Maybe they hate the foods they feel restricted to eating. Or maybe they aren’t seeing results fast enough. Or maybe they are following their chosen diet perfectly and nothing is happening.

In all of these scenarios, there is something extra holding the person back from reaching their goals. A traditional nutrition plan or diet will never help you tackle those “extra” obstacles. They can’t help you overcame bad eating habits that offset the benefits of a diet. They can’t help you make smart health choices in other areas of life that affect your weight.

Getting Help From A Professional

If you’re still wondering “what is holistic nutrition? Should I be using it?”, then the best thing for you to do is talk with a professional. A professional holistic nutritionist can help you understand the intricacies of nutrition. How your diet, exercise routine, daily choices, and even spirituality can all improve your health and help you lose weight. It’s far more beneficial than staring at nutrition charts trying to pick a starch for your next meal.

Holistic nutrition professionals can help you plan meals around certain goals and provide you with exercise routines to assist the progress. But, of course, these are services that any nutritionist could provide. A holistic professional can also provide a diet and lifestyle evaluation, stress management advice, and can design meal plans around more complex goals than simply losing weight.

Losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle is not always the same thing. You want to be doing both, which means you need to take a big-picture look at your nutrition and lifestyle choices. That’s the holistic approach.

The post What Is Holistic Nutrition And Can It Help Me? appeared first on Dr Turner's Nutrition.


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